Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Models: Tracy & Mike--Engagements

Mike is an old friend of mine and I met Tracy through him. They are getting married in December and asked me to do the pictures for their invitations. I, of course, said yes right away. We went to Layton Park for the shoot, which was risky because it was supposed to snow all day. (Which it did, but it wasn't coming down too much.) Even though there wasn't much snow, it was so freezing cold! By the end of the shoot I couldn't feel my hands or my lips. But we got some excellent shots. At least, I think so. Let me know what you think.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Event: Young Single Adult River Trip 2008

I know I just posted last years river trip pictures, but here are this years. It was with the same group (it always is) and we had just as much fun, if not more, than last year. The top picture was taken on the first run down the river for me and is about 2 minutes before I get tossed out of the raft during the rapids. But, that's what happens sometimes. 

Event: Young Single Adult River Trip 2007

These are some of the pictures from my YSA River Trip from last year (2007). Most of them were taken on the river with my waterproof point and shoot camera. I love that little camera. I bought it specifically to use for the river trips.

Artistic: Sunset Archive

Like the title says, these are all shots of sunsets that I've taken in the past little while. Well, the past long while. One of these is from several years ago with my crappy crappy Samsung camera. It was only 3 megapixels!! Oh, the shame! But, I guess that was pretty good for the time that I bought the camera. Can you guess which one was taken with that camera?

Model: Bryson Baham

I've been needing to post these all for a while now. They're all pictures of lots of me. I learned how to do this when I worked at Inkley's several years ago. It's odd for me to ever be in a picture, but I love doing this process. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Model: Laura Denhalter

I was told to do a post of nothing but pictures of Laura. She's such a cute girl! I haven't ever done an actual shoot with her, but I'd honestly love to. These are all pictures from the last two weddings I went to. Laura didn't really want me to take any pictures of her, but she "let" me anyway. She's threatened me with bodily harm if I posted any of them, so if I never post anything ever again, it's because she's killed me.