Monday, September 21, 2009

A Tragic Accident

Well, it might be a few days (weeks?) before I can post any new pictures. I finally have internet at my apartment, so that's not the problem. What is the problem? Well, it's tragic. My hard drive crashed recently and I've lost every photo I've ever taken since I first owned a camera. There was about 30 gig of pictures on that hard drive, and now they are all lost. I've called around to a few places to find out if it would be recoverable, and it is, but it's going to cost me quite a large chunk of change, which I don't have right now. (The cheapest hard drive recovery place is $1600.00. The rest are all charging around $2500.00) But, those pictures were my life, and I'm working hard to get the money to recover it. So, in the meantime, bear with me while I take new pictures to post and try to get the old ones back.

By the way, if any of you that read this have any pictures I've ever taken of, or for, you, please let me know. If it's possible, I'd like to get them from you so that, in case I can't ever get that hard drive fixed, I can still have some of my old work back. I'd really appreciate your help with this.


Yep said...

HOLY COW! That really bites about your hard drive. I am very sorry. I can't imagine having that happen; then finding out the cost to recover it!! That sucks.
What doesn't suck is this awesome picture. That is really cool!! Very creative and fun. I also like the cool photo of teh moose. I can't beleive how close you were able to get. I'll be checking back in to see soem of your new stuff. Hopefully you will get your old stuff back for a reasonable price.

Bryson Baham said...

I really hope I can find a place that recovers for relatively cheap. I've got a few friends who deal with computer repair all the time and they've given me a few homeopathic methods for temporary fixes to a hard drive, so I'm going to try those out and see what happens.
Thanks for your comment! I like that moose picture too. (Hopefully, I can get those back.) I'll be sure to keep watching your blog.

Zachary said...